Early Access
Read our latest tests and reviews before everyone else: most of our articles are first available exclusively on the app.
Read Offline
Download once, always carry it with you and read everywhere. You can even read offline.
Completely Free
Hard to believe: not only the app itself but also all of the content is completely free. No hidden costs. We promise.
Interactive Reading Experience
We'll leave half-heartedly digitalised print media to other apps. Our issues are designed exclusively for the digital format and are packed with interactive features and videos.
Tons of Content
Never get bored again: our app gives you access to all back issues of E‑MOUNTAINBIKE – completely free.
5 Issues A Year
We publish 5 E-MOUNTAINBIKE issues a year. Each issue is packed with the latest reviews and group tests, exciting adventures and inspiring stories.
English and German
Experience E‑MOUNTAINBIKE in the language of your choice: we publish all issues in German and in English.
For Tablets & Smartphones
The magazine app works on tablets & smartphones. We also started releasing special smartphone versions of each issue from E‑MOUNTAINBIKE #018 for an even better reading experience.
News Feed
Besides our digital publications, the app also includes the latest news from our website – direct and easy.

Quality Reviews
Our experienced team reviews the most exciting e eMTBs and products for each issue, writing honest and accurate reviews to help you make informed purchasing decisions.
Valuable eMTB Know How
Whether tech talk, suspension setup or tuning tips: our goal is to help you make the most of your time on the bike – we provide you with all the necessary knowledge.
Inspiring Essays
E-Mountain biking is so much more than riding your bicycle. We want to show you the sides of it that inspire you to head off into new adventures and perhaps get you to think.
The Best eMTB Destinations
Longing to ride new trails? Our travel stories include lots of tips for your next eMTB holiday and show you the most beautiful bike destinations.
Full of Surprises
We love variety as much as you do. That's why you want to continue surprising and inspiring you. Issue after issue, year after year. Are you ready?
How to get started
Want to find out more? You'll get access to your first issue of E‑MOUNTAINBIKE in just three easy steps.
Our app is available for iOS and Android devices and also works on Amazon Fire tablets. Click on the appropriate app store button or search the app store for "E‑MOUNTAINBIKE Magazin" to download our app.
When you start the app, you will see an overview of all back issues of E‑MOUNTAINBIKE in German and in English. You can take a look at the content via the "Preview" button. Select an issue and click on the "Download" button to download it.
Once an issue has been downloaded, you can open it via the "Read" button – no internet connection required. Swipe horizontally to scroll through the articles. Swipe vertically to read the selected article. Tap the screen twice to open the menu and return to the overview.
Do you have any questions? Having trouble? Take a look at the user guide video below or check the section on frequently asked questions. We're always happy to help, just get in touch via the contact form or via email.
Endless reading material.
Beautiful design.
The E‑MOUNTAINBIKE app gives you free access to thousands of high-quality articles all about e mountain biking. Each of our articles is hand-crafted with attention to detail because we're not only passionate about eMTB, but also about beautiful design and photography.
Video User Guide
A picture says more than a thousand words. We even created a video.
Any Questions? We're happy to help. Get in touch via the contact form or via email at We look forward to hearing from you.